About me
My name is Rajee Aswal-Bist. I hail from the North part of India. 32 years ago, I came to the Netherlands, to Eindhoven. Leaving behind the life I grew up with and knew well was indeed a special experience for me. In the Netherlands, I began afresh. Language is the true key to integration. The only way I could participate and integrate in Dutch society was by learning the Dutch language. Very soon, our two children were born. Back in those days, our community in Eindhoven was small. There were few people around us who were from India. Neither did we have our family and friends here. It felt rather lonely to be with only ourselves. Our idea about how the Dutch parents raise their children was also rather sketchy.
Back then, we believed it was a taboo to talk about your children’s upbringing openly; we would also rather not talk about the issues which we found difficult in the Dutch society. Just before the birth of our twins, I met with a car accident. The accident changed my life completely. I was hospitalised after I started having physical complaints. There, with my coach, I could discuss the issues that bothered me and talked about things that I found difficult. I realised soon that talking about those problematic issues helped me a lot. I felt joyful and felt like doing nice things for myself again. I started again with yoga, meditation and mindfulness and those helped me immensely. I began my studies, went back to college, and took a degree in social work. I worked in the social work sector for the past 15 years. During my work as a social worker, I noticed that a lot of emphasis was given to determine the problem/ complain areas about a child; but there was very less focus on the areas that involved the strengths and the qualities of a child. It was then that I decided to do things differently.
With Patangam child coaching program, I intend to offer what I found lacking in the social work sector: I want to focus on the strengths of the child instead of highlighting the complaints.
Programmes, courses & methods that I completed:
- Social work and services - MWD, Fontys Eindhoven 2007
- Training healing children's coach, specializing in mindfulness & meditation - Arterre Training Centre Nijmegen 2020
- Training holistic children's yoga teacher - Arterre training center Nijmegen 2020
- Basic course Sudarshankriya - 2015, Centre art of living
- Methods such as Motivational Interviewing Techniques, Solution Oriented Work, System Oriented Work, Signs of Safety method, triple P, divorce issues, basic knowledge psychopathology & Intercultural Communication are resources I can use, however my approach is to find out what someone really needs and what works!
- I am registered in the professional register of  Adiona and RegisterPlein